Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Oh, I actually have to go to class??

This week was way too good to be true and all the fun was bound to come crashing down as I attended my first TWO HOUR lecture yesterday.
The class: Managing Workplace Conflict. The students: all upperclassmen in their last term here. The teacher: Dr Jill McRae.
Dr McRae has eight postgraduate degrees in education, law and dispute resolution. She is a mediator with the State Department of Juvenile Justice, an advisory panel member with the NSW Directorate of Higher Education, and has worked around the globe in international development with the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade, UNESCO, and the World Bank. This woman is nothing less than amazing, and I'm sure her class is going to be rather challenging.
The good thing is that I think I like her. I feel that I can learn sooo much not just from her lessons, but from how cultured she is and the stories she has already shared with the class.
Then I go to my second class- Organizational behavior, Human Resources and guess who the professor is (Drum roll please......) Dr McRae. Amazingly, I was able to stay attentive during yet another 2 hour class with her. Unfortunately, 4 hours a day twice a week may start to wear on me, but who knows. She does keep me in awe of how intelligent she is, so there is a possibility of staying with the program.

On the otherhand, todays class was rough. I had Business Ethics with a professor whos name I cannot recall. All I know is that she put me to sleep...zzzzz. The class goes from 8-10am and I don't think I can make it. I really started to worry when I went to my second class with her from 3:30 to 5:30. Once again I just couldn't stay focused. Oh, until she split us up into groups. I don't know anyone in my group and we're all from different places. It's not that I hate group work, but this is going to be rough and it's worth 30% of our grade:(
Why do I have to go to class??? Seriously, I just want to go to Outback, see the Barrier Reef and do what I really came here for-- meet some Aussies!! Haha, just kidding.

Tomorrow a group of US students and I are going on the Bridge Climb. I can't take my camera, but I'll be sure to fill you in on the adventures!!


Dad said...

ha, ha, ha... go to class!! I will take you to the Outback in Cool Springs when you get home!! :-) I hope your boring teacher never sees your blog! But I know you realize you are in Australia to expand your mind and to meet people from all over the world and to make memories that will last you a lifetime. I know as your loving Dad that you will stay focused on your purpose and your mission... and OBTW... Have FUN!! I Love You!! Dad

karen burchett said...

Hi Honey
I am glad you are having fun. And I am glad you are enjoying Dr.McRae's class. Maybe you can mimic her someday..........
I wish you could only take those two classes, but I am sure you need the other two classes to get some elective credit or something from Belmont!